Metaphysical challenges

iStock_000015089111LargeMetaphysical challenges is a triptych. The book can be read as an adventure story, but while reading the deeper layers will unfold. The novel consists of three parts with interludes and a final chapter.

In his book “You must change your life” Peter Sloterdijk indicates the need to rearrange our lives will be driven by external factors such as environmental and other crises. The final chapter of this triptych offers a solution: the main characters gather to organize the first European festival, thereby trying to start a metaphysical revolution through a major artistic event on the fourteenth of July that is held simultaneously in Paris and Amsterdam. It looks like it will be a miraculous success, but then unexpectedly doom seems to strike. Is there a way back? Or is it too late?

Three parts of the novel:

The inspiration for Metaphysical challenges lies in the need to create a unique world on the one hand in which social, psychological and philosophical themes are treated in a light-hearted and sometimes funny way and on the other hand look for answers to questions about reality and desirability of how society works. Hopefully the reader is thus not only entertained but also, while reading, stimulated to think for himself (sapere aude: dare to be wise). Meanwhile, the series is a search for “truth” (if this can be known) and the reality of psychosocial issues, movements and events. Furthermore, as a writer you can be surprised by your own thoughts or developments of the characters within the novel. This freedom makes writing a pleasure. As a European, and therefore, like all Dutch being a child of Enlightenment, the question is whether and, if so, how the Western European thinkers can use their knowledge and understanding to find solutions.