Henk van Wijnen-Swarttouw has long been dissatisfied with the prevailing business climate and how the government acts: lingering, narrow-minded, not a team player, no entrepreneurship, no heart for hard-working laborers, you name it. One of his account managers, Cor Figee, agrees wholeheartedly with him. After a heavy night, Henk decides to start a battle with the mighty and arrogant Old boys to which also his father belongs. He wants to try to tilt the deal.
Branded journalism
As an entrepreneur, Henk needs the media, but he will not join the new trends such as branded journalism. Henk prefers to work the old fashioned way and has his own way of doing business. He regularly calls the Daily Rotterdam journalist Eddy Court, who comes over, driving on his moped.
Inventory of the crowd
To start well, he follows the advice of Jan, an old warhorse. He first makes an inventory of the crowd and of the current living conditions in Rotterdam. To this end, he dresses up as inconspicuously as possible, so he can make long city walks and check out the (night) life of Rotterdam unnoticed.
Educating the market back
Through his research inventory, Henk comes to know about the ordinary people in the street, about how they live and work. He discovered through a business relationship how auditing firms nowadays more and more do business by the process of ‘educating the market’, that is, deliberately influence CEOs of midsize companies and multinationals by reminding them of their responsibility towards shareholders and indicate in which companies they should invest best, or what businesses they can best merge with to prevent them from falling prey to another competitor. They are calculating exorbitant bonus revenues. Henk decide to make this sport his own and change it the way he think fits: he focuses on a team which, as he calls it, will ‘Educate the market back’. Meanwhile, however, third parties secretly contact his account manager, Cor Figee, with the express request to act as whistle-blower and provide vital information about this new business group, and about their obscure business transactions.
According to Henk his brother Jeroen and according to Monique, Henk’s wife who moved to Brazil after a burnout and who is the mother of their daughter Julia, Henk increasingly suffers from megalomania traits. People with narcissistic personality disorder are characterized by their persistent grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, and a disdain and lack of empathy for others. These individuals often display arrogance, a sense of superiority, and power-seeking behaviors. Narcissistic personality disorder is different from having a strong sense of self-confidence; people with NPD typically value themselves over others to the extent that they disregard the feelings and wishes of others and expect to be treated as superior regardless of their actual status or achievements. In addition, people with NPD may exhibit fragile egos, an inability to tolerate criticism, and a tendency to belittle others in an attempt to validate their own superiority.
Monique and Jeroen fear the worst for Henk and for the family business, and so they turn to a prominent psychiatrist named Von Stűrmer, who will help him to get things on track. The psychiatrist, however, behaves rather peculiar himself: he lets his haircutter come every day and he follows his patients closely through the center of the city. Fortunately, he is kept in check by his assistant, fraulein van Zanten.
Then, a burglary takes place at Henk’s villa. The vault is robbed and his precious paintings taken away. Henk is seeking ways to track down these perpetrators. He doesn’t have much confidence in the local police, but as a self-made man and entrepreneur, he knows what to do: he uses modern technology to achieve his goal.